Community Resources
Seek out your brothers and sisters of other cultures and join together in building alliances to put an end to all forms of racial discrimination, bigotry, and prejudice. There are people of goodwill of all races, religions, and nations who will join you in common quest for the betterment of society.
-Bernice King
Action Items
By definition, activism requires an act that intends to promote and influence societal change in one or more ways. But where to begin? If you're anything like me, you too have fallen victim to the 21st-century invention of doom-scrolling into the wee hours of the night. We are being constantly flooded with "breaking news" this, and "unprecedented times" that. It's wreaking havoc on the American psyche. This "flooding of the zone" has the adverse effect of somewhat paralyzing people, dissuading them from taking any action on the issues that they fundamentally care about. They aim to make it seem like the world's problems are too big and too complicated to even begin to dismantle. In today's society, it is far too easy to give into despair. That is by design.
Luckily, there is respite. As the singer and activist Joan Baez once put it, "action is the antidote to despair". I am a person who wants to see change in the world. I know that there are ways to achieve peace, freedom, and justice for all. But I also know that I can't solve all the world's problems, no matter how hard I try. I have found that narrowing my scope and focusing my energy only on a handful of issues that are especially important to me can prevent the "death by a thousand papercuts" feeling that sneaks into the conscience. Below, I have included a collection of actionable ways to contribute and be part of the changes that need to be seen in this country. If at least one of these issues means anything to you, I challenge you to be an advocate for that issue. Be seen, be heard, take action, and fight despair.
I firmly believe that change is a positive force, and there are many changes this country needs to make in order to move forward, but they can't happen on their own. Those changes start with us, fighting for the future of our wildest dreams.

*It is important to research petition issues and organizations before signing and handing over your information.